Tinnitus Management
Here at Tracy James Hearing, we are proud to offer the first independent tinnitus and hyperacusis management service in West Berkshire with tinnitus specialist, Louise Hart.
“We know the earlier we intervene in helping people manage their tinnitus and/or hyperacusis the more successful the outcome for them. Despite research on drug or physical interventions on tinnitus, at present none seem to consistently reduce tinnitus well enough; this is why management techniques are used to combat tinnitus. For over 20 years chronic pain sufferers have successfully been using cognitive behavioural techniques to manage pain, and we now have more studies showing the same success with tinnitus” - Louise Hart
Louise will tailor a programme to you to help your tinnitus and/or hyperacusis; these sessions can be provided face to face or through video consultation.
Tinnitus Management Services
Tinnitus affects each individual differently. Some people will need only one appointment to help them with understanding their tinnitus and how to manage it. Other people may need between 2-6 appointments in order to move forward with getting their tinnitus under control. If you need more than one appointment we will discuss together the length of time between appointments (for example 1 or 2 weeks or more) that best suits you and your tinnitus.
Initial Hearing Test with Tinnitus & Hyperacusis advice £50 (1 hour) - Louise has written several blogs on Tinnitus including one on Tinnitus and Hyperacusis therapy
If required: In-depth follow up assessment £150 (1.5 – 2 hours) – If this type of appointment is required for you, it will be discussed with you at your hearing test and tinnitus and hyperacusis advice appointment. Many people will find the 45 min follow up appointments sufficient for their needs. In depth follow ups are designed for cases where there are multiple significant issues attached to the tinnitus and/or hypercausis that need more extensive evaluation and support.)
Up to 6 follow up appointments £75 each (45 minutes) We review your understanding of what was discussed at your previous appointment, and work with you to target and challenge your tinnitus and its effect on you. Reflect on how your tinnitus management techniques are working and any homework you may have been given.