Hearing and Ear Protection
At Tracy James Hearing we work with manufacturers to create custom-made hearing protection and earplugs. The advantages of custom-made hearing protection are that they are:
More comfortable – custom-made devices are designed for your ear alone.
Safer or offer more accurate noise reduction, compared to generic noise reduction (e.g. foam plugs) as there is a better acoustic seal.
They can be used with hats or headwear and can often have communications added to the device, e.g. internal microphone or speaker.
They are more secure and are unlikely to ease out of the ear, or get knocked off.
There are four main categories for use:
Hearing Protection
Noise-induced hearing loss is the most common form of acquired hearing loss in young people and adults. Symptoms include:
Temporary hearing shift after noise exposure (e.g. concert)
Tinnitus (temporary or permanent)
Gradual permanent hearing loss in the high frequencies (which continues to deteriorate with continued exposure to noise)
Discomfort or dislike of louder sounds (known as recruitment)
If you are exposed to loud noises that would require you to shout or raise your voice to be heard by someone 1-2 meters away – then it is likely that you require hearing protection during these periods.
Most people think of industrial environments requiring an individual to protect their hearing from noise, using noise protection. This is true, but there are other lines of work or leisure pursuits that the individual would benefit from hearing protection, or reduced exposure to noise - including:
Emergency Services using headsets or exposed to sirens
Artillery Services in the military or police
Orchestral musicians and band members and individuals who work in the music industry
DIY pursuits or home carpentry / joinery / workshops
Airport work
Regular concert attendance or dance events
Regular headphone or headset use where the sound can be heard from outside the individuals head and/or where the sound levels are not monitored by the device.
It is your employers’ duty by law to protect your hearing, should the noise levels reach 85 dB or more in your working environment, for a certain time period. The employers duty includes protection of the hearing of temporary workers, and also visitors to your work environment – should the noise levels reach the threshold for action. Should you have a concern about noise levels at work then contact your employer or HR department. For more information visit the Noise and Safety at Work website.
The following noise protection products are available.
Please note: All products come with a SNR (single number rating) that relates to the amount of noise reduction and are CE marked. Tracy James Hearing can advise on the appropriate noise reduction required for your situation. Communication devices (e.g. Bluetooth, or microphone input) can be added if needed, so that speech, sound or instruction can be delivered via bluetooth at a safe level, while at the same time as reducing the noise in the environment.
Noise protection earplug
Different noise filter levels can be added to the device, depending on your requirements or noise reduction required.
You can download the Puretone brochure here.
Musician’s noise protection earplug
Musicians earplugs can be used if you’re a musician or attend music concerts regularly. They have a specific music filter applied to the noise protection, that generates an even reduction of sound over the frequency range, so that loudness contrast and pitch differences can still be heard. In-ear monitors can also be applied.
You can download the Puretone brochure here.
Motorcycle earplugs
Motorcycle earplugs are designed to be totally flush inside the ear, so that your helmet can be applied with comfort. They can come with and without a Bluetooth monitor set up for answering phonecalls or for use as a motorcycle instructor.
You can download the Puretone brochure here.
Digitally activated noise protection or high impact / quick noise reduction
There are some types of noise exposure that is very sudden and short in nature, but can still have an impact on your hearing. Digitally-activate noise protection allows you to hear conversational speech and other environmental noises; the noise protection is only activated when required.
This type of noise protection is often used by shooters. CENS digital electronic earplugs that apply noise protection with impact noise only. Optional programmes and communication/speaker fittings.
Prices are available on request or you can use vouchers from http://www.puretone.net/
Ear Protection
Custom-made earplugs can be made to protect the ear for health or comfort reasons. The most common include:
Swim plugs – prevents water entering the ear for health reasons (wax build-up / susceptibility to infection / perforation or previous operations on the ear
Earplugs to prevent dust and debris entering the ear (susceptibility to infection / wax build up)
Sleep plugs to help remove unwanted sound, e.g snoring / light sleeper
Swim Plug
Comfortable and safe earplugs to protect the inner ear from water, improving performance and reducing bacteria and irritation which can damage ears.
Using medical grade silicone materials, custom moulded Swim Plugs offer excellent water protection. All swim plugs are manufactured in a variety of colours to the exact shape of the ear from a strong and durable silicone material that floats in water. Swim plugs come with convenient recessed handles and removable cords are also an option. Swim Plugs can be ordered in a wide variety of bright colours, making them easy to find if they are dropped.
Sleep Plugs
Soft and comfortable noise suppression earplugs that significantly reduce high frequency noises such as snoring to help you sleep for longer.
Sleepzz custom made earplugs provide a perfect fit which reduces ambient sounds. Using ultra soft silicone, Sleepzz earplugs are designed to provide effective noise reduction whilst still being very comfortable to wear, even when sleeping.
You can download the Puretone brochure here.
Custom-made Ear Products
For the serious music listener, custom moulded in-ear monitors that work with your personal music player for a more comfortable fit and a deeper bass sound.
Your appointment at TJH
At your appointment, we will discuss your requirements in terms of the type of protection or product required, noise levels, ear health factors and/or work/leisure preferences.
The price of the product will depend on the product made, and an estimated cost can be provided prior to the appointment if required.
Earmoulds for hearing aids start at £60 a pair and swim plugs start at £95 a pair. Custom-made noise protection is £120 and above in price.
Custom-made ear products are made using impressions of the ear. This requires putting a soft sponge down the ear canal, then filling the ear with soft putty that hardens after 4-5 minutes of setting time. Once the impression is set, we take it out of the ear and send it to the manufacturer to make up your product.
Make an appointment for impressions (30 minutes)
Generic ear protection
We also stock generic earplugs from the Phonak Serenity range. Generic earplugs are a good purchase if your use is light, and you have standard-shaped ears which normally fit inserts or earbuds. Generic ear protection is also a cheaper option than custom-made. For more information click here.
Music £50
Shooting £30
Comfort £25
Motorsport £25
Sleep £25